
The story in 179 parts, based on real events.

At the moment, the work is finished and published on this website. You can either read it online, or download it in one of the following formats: pdf, epub, fb2, or mobi, and read it from any device you like. The versions located on this website are author’s copies, without proofreading or editing. They contain grammatical mistakes and may be improperly formatted. You will be able to download the complete book in good quality as soon as I find a daring publisher willing to take it on.

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It’s better to read the work sequentially, but you can also read it by character tags:

Dagni Dima Igor Kirill Roman Sergey

Table of Contents

  1. The main hero talking about himself - Dima, Igor, Roman, Sergey
  2. A gift to the student - Roman
  3. The first exams - Igor, Roman